Company details

Name of organization: MVK LLC
Legal / Actual address:
107140, Moscow, Upper Krasnoselskaya, d 3, p 5, room 1 
BIN 1057749681681
TIN 7725558003
CAT 770801001
Bank account: 40702810100011025949
JSC UniCredit Bank Moscow
cor. through: 30101810300000000545
BIK: 044525545
General Director: Shtalenkov A.V.
Chief accountant: Ismatullaeva E.M.
Tel: +7 (499) 750-08-28
Fax: +7 (499) 750-08-30
NACE  82.30
OKPO 93425577
OKATO  45286565000
OKTMO  45378000000
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